Thursday, July 1, 2010


1. Silage that is improperly ensiled may fail to ferment to a pH less than 5.0, which disease commonly occurs in ruminants fed such silage.
a). Nervous coccidiosis b). Toxiconinfectious botulism
c). Listeriosis d). Hepatoencephalopathy

2. Which respiratory disease do bacteria cause?
a). Infectious Bronchitis b). Fowl pox
c). Infectious coryza d). Laryngyotracheitis

3. Transmission of anthrax may occur by
a). Direct contact with infected animal b). Ingestion of undercooked meat
c). Arthropod d). All of above

4. A complete necropsy of the animals is contraindicated in which of the following diseases strongly suspected.
a). Brucellosis b). Anthrax
c). Listeriosis d). Black leg

5. Actinobacillus ligniersi infections in sheep differ from those in cattle
a). Cattle develop ulcerative stomatitis, but sheep develop granulomatous glossitis
b). Cattle develop granulomatous swelling, but sheep develop granulomatous
c). Cattle develop granulomatous glossitis, but sheep develop granulomatous
facial edema
d). Cattle develop granulomatous lymphadenopathy, but sheep develop
granulomatous glossitis

6. Louping-ill is caused by
a). Flavi virus b). Pertivirus
c). Hepatitis c virus d). Rubi virus

7. Drop in egg production in layers is not a feature in
a). Newcastle Disease b). Infectious Laryngotracheitis
c). Infectious Bronchitis d). Avian Encephalomyelitis

8. Ranikhet disease is caused by
a). Adeno virus type I b). Birna virus
c). Herpes virus d). Corona virus ?

9. Characteristic feature of canine distemper is
a). Biphasic fever b). Reccurent fever
c). Malta fever d). None of the above

10. Passive transfer of maternal immunoglobulins to calves depends on
a). Formation of colostrum with a high concentration of immunoglobulin by
the dam
b). Ingestion of an adequate volume of colostrum by the calf
c). Efficient absorption of colostral immunoglobulins by the calf
d). All the above

1. Production of yellow clotted milk followed by agalactiae without inflammation is commonly seen in cows with mastitis caused by
a). Corynebacterium pyogenes b). Strptococcus agalactiae
c). Staphylococcus aureus d). Leptospires

2. False negative tuberculin tests may occur in
a). Very young cattle b). Heavily parasitized cattle
c). Pregnant cow d). Very old cattle

3. The Louping –ill is transmitted by
a). Ixodes ticks b). Droplet infection
c). Through milk d). All the above

4. Control of ephemeral fever is not so important when compared to other economically important diseases. Because,
a). Rapid recovery b). No severe production loss
c). Solid immunity d). All the above

5. ‘Pearl eye’ condition in birds is caused by
a). Corona virus b). Paramyxovirus
c). Herpes virus d). Adenovirus

6. Following are insect borne viral diseases except
a). Blue tongue b). Sheep pox
c). Ephemeral fever d). African horse sickness

7. In calves, FMDV mainly affects
a). Liver b). Lung
c). Cardiac muscle d). Skeletal muscle

8. Following diseases are vector-borne diseases except
a). Bovine ephemeral fever b). Equine infectious anemia
c). Louping-ill d). Hog cholera

9. Inflammation of the mammary gland is not the characteristic feature in one of the following pathogens
a). Staphylococcus aureus b). Escherichia coli
c). Leptospira interrogans d). Streptococcus agalactiae

10. Limber neck is a clinical feature in sheep caused by
a). Clostridium botulinum b). Clostridium septicum
c). Clostridium perfringens a). Clostridium novyi

1. ‘Tuberculin’ was first prepared by
a). Bernard Bang b). Robert Koch
c). Louis Pasteur d). Edward Jenner
2. Only one vertebrate host is required for
a). Cyclozoonosis b). Metazoonosis
c). Direct zoonosis d). Saprozoonosis

3. Caprine and ovine brucellosis is caused by
a). Brucella abortus b). Brucella suis
c). Brucella melitensis d). Brucella neotomae

4. Weil’s disease is due to
a). Leptospira hardjo b). Leptospira pomona
c). Leptospira icterohaemorrhagiae d). Leptospira canicola

5. Post mortem examination is contraindicated for the disease
a). Anthrax b). Rabies
c). Botulism d). Tuberculosis

Saturday, June 26, 2010

exotic inheritance

Breed Exotic inheritance

Hissardale 75
Bharat merino 75
Niligiri synthetic 62.5-75
Kashmir merino 50-75
Indian karakul 75
Avivastra 50
Avikalin 50
Avimanns 50
Patanwadi synthetic 50

extension education

2 or more persons meet express or convey their ideas , clarity, bring about a solution to the commonly felt problems by their own efforts.

Two team speakers, one—representing positive, other – negative , each side speaker is allowed a definite period of time.

A short series of lectures usually by 2 to 5 speakers.

Panel discussion
Informal conversation before audience by a selected group of persons 3 to 6 under a moderator.
ii.set-speech panel
iii.conversational panel

Huddle method-

Six persons discussing a subject for 6 min

It is a discussion period that may follow panel discussion ,symposium, lecture. Etc…

Buzz group
Large groups when limited time is a available for discussion

Brain storming sessions

Type of small group interaction designed to encourage the flow of ideas on an unrestricted basis without any limitations.

Role playing
Dramatization of a problem or a situation in the general area of human relations.

Work shop

Essentially a long meeting of one day to several weeks involving all participants.


1. GOOSE STEP WALK/GAIT -A typical nerve diease is found in pigs def. of

A} folic acid B} pantothenic acid

C}pyridoxine D}thiamine

2. Animal protein factor is associated with following vitamin

A} vit B6 B}vit B1

C} vit B12 D} vit B2

3. Poultry litter is a good source of

A)vit B2 B)vit B12

C)vit E D)vit A

4. The color good silage should be

A)green B)red

C)brown D)light brown

5. Ideal moisture % of hay making is

a)12-15 b)15-20

c)20-25 d)25-30

6. The causal organism of ropiness in milk is

a)lactococcus lactis b)proteus vulgaris

c)pseudomonas d)alcaligenes viscosus

7. casin content of cow milk is

a)2.5 % b)3%

c)3.2 % d)3.5%

8. Heat period of buffalo is

a)2-8 hrs b)8-10 hrs

c)12-36 hrs d)4 days

9.The gestation period of goat

a)133 days b)140 days

c)150 days d)158 days

10. At what age cow become full mouth

a)3yrs b)4yr

c)5yrs d)6yrs

11. Dew claws are absent in

a)bull b)buffalo

c)horse d)yak

12. which is best method of hand milking
a)knuckling b)stripping
c)fisting d)none of above

13. leaves of certain trees and shrubs are also fed to animals

a)emergency fodder b)leguminous fodder

c)non-leguminous d)silage

14. Listeria monocytogenes can’t replicate

a] pH <5 b] pH >5

c] pH <7 d] pH >7

15. Anthrax in human are

a]cutaneous b]pulmonary

c]intestional d]all above

16. Human beings are the reservoir for species of mycobacterium

a] m.tuberculosis b] m.marinum

c] m.genavense d] m.simae

17. The days from the date of drying to the date of calving

a) Service period b) dry period

c) Lactation length d) both a & b

18. No; of services per conception

a) Breeding efficiency b) Intercalving period

c) Service period d) both b&c

19. Average diameter of a wool fibre in microns

a) Fibre density b) Fleece wt

c) fineness of wool d) both a&c

20. weight of sheep at 240 days of age

a) Wt at market age b) weight at weaning

c) Weight at pregnancy d) both a&b

21. litter size at birth in pigs

a) No; of piglets born b) wt of a piglet at birth

c) sex ratio of piglet d) none

22.piglet wt at 56 days of age

a) weaning wt b) market age wt

c) growth rate up to market age d) both b&c

23. days from the date of one calving to the date of next calving

a) age at first calving b) intercalving period.

c) service period d) both b&c

24. Lambs are weaned at the age of

a) 120 days b) 150 days

c) 210 days d) 90 days

25. The length of wool in cms

a) staple length b) fibre density

c) fibre thickness d) none

26. Wt in kg of feed consumed for producing 1 kg of live wt in pigs

a) feed efficiency b) growth rate

c) gain in wt d) none

27. following is the red worms of horses responsible for sucking blood in intestine

A] parascaries equorum b]Dictyocaulus arnfieldi

C]strongylus vulgaris d]Haemonchus spp

28. Host of oesophagostomus spp are

A] cattle

B] sheep goat

C] all farm animal except horses

D] horses

29. Infestation with trichostrongylus colubriformis in sheep and goat induces ______deficiency.

A] calcium b] potassium

C] copper d] none

30. Haemonchus contortus inhabits in ________ of sheep and goats.

A] abomasum b] rumen

C] reticulum d] none

31. following is the efficient compound in sheep and cattle which kills majority of liverflukes.

A] mebendazole b] fenbendazole

C] rafoxanide d] none

32. ________ snail acts as an intermediate host for paramphistomum.

A] planorbid b] lymnaeid

C] both d] none

33. Presence of faciola hepatica in the body of animal increases susceptibility to _____________ infection.

A] pasturella multocida b] salmonella dublin

C] corynebacterium spp d] none

34. Larvae of toxocara vitulorum are transmitted through __________ in buffalo calves.

A] skin penetration b] colostrums

C] vector d] none

35. Poultry litter is a good source of

A)vit B2 B)vit B12

C)vit E D)vit A

36. The color good silage should be

A)green B)red

C)brown D)light brown

37. Ideal moisture % of hay making is

a)12-15 b)15-20

c)20-25 d)25-30

38. The causal organism of ropiness in milk is

a)lactococcus lactis b)proteus vulgaris

c)pseudomonas d)alcaligenes viscosus

39. casin content of cow milk is

a)2.5 % b)3%

c)3.2 % d)3.5%

40. Heat period of buffalo is

a)2-8 hrs b)8-10 hrs

c)12-36 hrs d)4 days

41.The gestation period of goat

a)133 days b)140 days

c)150 days d)158 days

42. At what age cow become full mouth

a)3yrs b)4yr

c)5yrs d)6yrs

43. Dew claws are absent in

a)bull b)buffalo

c)horse d)yak

44. which is best method of hand milking

a)knuckling b)stripping

c)fisting d)none of above

45. leaves of certain trees and shrubs are also fed to animals

a) emergency fodder b)leguminous fodder

c) non-leguminous d)silage


1. Poultry litter is a good source of

A)vit B2 B)vit B12

C)vit E D)vit A

2. The color good silage should be

A)green B)red

C)brown D)light brown

3. Ideal moisture % of hay making is

a)12-15 b)15-20

c)20-25 d)25-30

4. The causal organism of ropiness in milk is

a)lactococcus lactis b)proteus vulgaris

c)pseudomonas d)alcaligenes viscosus

5. casin content of cow milk is

a)2.5 % b)3%

c)3.2 % d)3.5%

6. Heat period of buffalo is

a)2-8 hrs b)8-10 hrs

c)12-36 hrs d)4 days

7.The gestation period of goat

a)133 days b)140 days

c)150 days d)158 days

8. At what age cow become full mouth

a)3yrs b)4yr

c)5yrs d)6yrs

9. Dew claws are absent in

a)bull b)buffalo

c)horse d)yak

10. which is best method of hand milking
a)knuckling b)stripping
c)fisting d)none of above

11. leaves of certain trees and shrubs are also fed to animals

a)emergency fodder b)leguminous fodder

c)non-leguminous d)silage


1. The days from the date of drying to the date of calving

a) Service period b) dry period.

c) Lactation length d) both a & b

2. No; of services per conception

a) Breeding efficiency b) Intercalving period

c) Service period. d) both b&c

3. Average diameter of a wool fibre in microns

a) Fibre density. b) Fleece wt

c) fineness of wool d) both a&c

4. weight of sheep at 240 days of age

a) Wt at market age. b) weight at weaning

c) Weight at pregnancy d) both a&b

5. litter size at birth in pigs

a) No; of piglets born. b) wt of a piglet at birth

c) sex ratio of piglet d) none

6. piglet wt at 56 days of age

a) weaning wt b) market age wt

c) growth rate up to market age d) both b&c

7. days from the date of one calving to the date of next calving

a) age at first calving b) intercalving period.

c) service period d) both b&c

8. Lambs are weaned at the age of

a) 120 days. b) 150 days

c) 210 days d) 90 days

9. The length of wool in cms

a) staple length b) fibre density

c) fibre thickness d) none

10. Wt in kg of feed consumed for producing 1 kg of live wt in pigs

a) feed efficiency b) growth rate

c) gain in wt d) none

11. following is the red worms of horses responsible for sucking blood in intestine

A] parascaries equorum b]Dictyocaulus arnfieldi

C]strongylus vulgaris d]Haemonchus spp

12. Host of oesophagostomus spp are

A] cattle

B] sheep goat

C] all farm animal except horses

D] horses

13. Infestation with trichostrongylus colubriformis in sheep and goat induces ______deficiency.

A] calcium b] potassium

C] copper d] none

14. Haemonchus contortus inhabits in ________ of sheep and goats.

A] abomasum b] rumen

C] reticulum d] none

15. following is the efficient compound in sheep and cattle which kills majority of liverflukes.

A] mebendazole b] fenbendazole

C] rafoxanide d] none

16. ________ snail acts as an intermediate host for paramphistomum.

A] planorbid b] lymnaeid

C] both d] none

17. Presence of faciola hepatica in the body of animal increases susceptibility to _____________ infection.

A] pasturella multocida b] salmonella dublin

C] corynebacterium spp d] none

18. Larvae of toxocara vitulorum are transmitted through __________ in buffalo calves.

A] skin penetration b] colostrums

C] vector d] none

19. Poultry litter is a good source of

A)vit B2 B)vit B12

C)vit E D)vit A

20. The color good silage should be

A)green B)red

C)brown D)light brown

21. Ideal moisture % of hay making is

a)12-15 b)15-20

c)20-25 d)25-30

22. The causal organism of ropiness in milk is

a)lactococcus lactis b)proteus vulgaris

c)pseudomonas d)alcaligenes viscosus

23. casin content of cow milk is

a)2.5 % b)3%

c)3.2 % d)3.5%

24. Heat period of buffalo is

a)2-8 hrs b)8-10 hrs

c)12-36 hrs d)4 days

25.The gestation period of goat

a)133 days b)140 days

c)150 days d)158 days

26. At what age cow become full mouth

a)3yrs b)4yr

c)5yrs d)6yrs

27. Dew claws are absent in

a)bull b)buffalo

c)horse d)yak

28. which is best method of hand milking

a)knuckling b)stripping

c)fisting d)none of above

29. leaves of certain trees and shrubs are also fed to animals

a)emergency fodder b)leguminous fodder

c)non-leguminous d)silage




Fowl typhoid , IB , HS , Dourine , glanders , equine influenza, Japanese encephalitis, Swine TGE, Theileriosis, myxomatosis

28 days

IBRT, Aujeszky disease, brucellosis, equine salmonellosis, contagious equine metritis, gnathostomiasis

30 days

RP, POX, ND, Fowl plaque

21 days

Rabies , enzootic bovine leucosis

4 months


3 months


180 days